At NMA no two days are alike.

We thrive on diversity and providing clients with carefully considered creative, practical options and solutions - whether these are for design, planning or development projects.


We work with individuals, private and public sector organisations, communities and local governments. We are always happy to discuss how we may best contribute our services and expertise.  


Where there are specialist inputs called for  on a  particular project we collaborate with other professionals and thus often work with structural, fire, civil and geotechnical engineers, landscape architects, noise and traffic consultants, ecologists, and land and quantity surveyors.  


NM Associates Ltd was established in 1995. The practice has two directors/practitioners: Neil Penney (regd.architect NZ and VIC, BArch, ANZIA) and Marilyn Hight Brown (planning and resource management consultant, Dip TP, MNZPI ). Both are widely experienced in their respective fields.








NM Associates' in-house planning and design  expertise means we are able to address many different types of projects, and contribute an understanding of development issues and regulatory processes, while also bringing in-depth spatial and environmental knowledge.